How often do you come after a snow storm?

We will come by twice after the storm.

How much does it have to snow before you come?

We start plowing when it has snowed 5cm (2inches).

Do you put out driveway markers?

Yes! Our markers go out mid-October and will be picked up after April 15th. We please ask that if you remove the marker yourself to NOT throw it out, place it on the side of your house and notify us via call or email so we can pick it up and re-use it for your driveway next season.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash, e-transfer, cheque or credit card (Visa or MasterCard - through our site).

Do you provide one-time snow removal services?

Yes we do! We ask that you email us or call us directly for more info on this. 

What happens if an operator damages my property?

We cannot be held responsible for damage to property or items left on the driveway or in the immediate work area of our tractors (as per your signed contract).This includes but is not limited to: Christmas decorations/displays, outdoor furniture, flower pots/planters, downspouts, recycling bins, garbage bins/cans, basketball and/or hockey nets, children’s toys, extension cords and/or unprotected trees and shrubs near where snow must be blown.

However, if damage is done to your property our operators are advised to report it to our office and fill out a report in which we would contact you and make arrangements to fix the damage. If you have not heard from our office within 1 business day we ask that you email us with your address, photos of the damage and the date in which the damage occurred so we can actively work with you to resolve the matter.